
Lower Mountains Landscape Supplies has a range of drainage products to help you control water. If you are having drainage problems, we have a fully qualified landscaping and garden construction service, and can reconstruct or redesign your garden areas where water is problem. Whether its a flooded driveway, a waterlogged courtyard or a patio area submerged by rain water – we are here to help. Some drainage issues may require retaining wall construction, to assist the water flow. Whatever the drainage issue is we are to help – Visit our landscape construction page for more details or call to arrange a free quote: 02 4753 7777.

Geo Fabric
Geo Fabric is used to prevent soil, sand and impurities from entering into a drainage system. Read More
Weed Mat
Weed Mat is used to prevent weeds from growing into pebble areas, stop pebble and gravel from entering into the soil and to retain moisture in the soil.Read More
Pit and Channel Drains
These products are used for surface water and can create silt-free pipes if installed correctly. Easy to install! Made from tough recycled UV Polymer.Read More

Order Storm Water Pipe and Fittings Today!
Like what you see or just need some more information? Here’s 3 easy ways to get your landscaping ideas moving forward! Please call us on 4739 8899, OR email us via our contact page, OR drop in on us at 22 Attunga Road, Blaxland (The Tip Road).

*LMLS strives to gives its customers correct and up to date information on all its products but because of the fast turnaround and the vast range of options its not always possible to keep things up to date. Products displayed may not be immediately available, and its possible that some colour stocks are not available at all. For the best and most current advice please call LMLS, or drop in and we would be happy to give you all the information you need on whatever landscaping, garden or masonry product you are looking for.